Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring clean

Hi guys, lots to talk about lots to do!!! Firstly an apology for not posting for a while lots of stuff happening here at Derby uni, all of it good. Spring cleaning everything here so I thought a new look and a spring chicken approach.

A few things to begin.

1. Christian from Sony is coming to talk to us about concept art and to browse your stuff. But you knew this already. E911 in the East tower from 2pm onwards.

2. I'm asking you guys for images of your very best works for our new brouchures, I'm fed up with the girl 'playing' a video game as we have the same image on the Programming brouchure. There are plenty of spaces for all your artworks.

3. Student reps are Bobby and Jenna, please give them feedback on this year good and bad so that if you have praise or problems we can look at it. There will be a meeting soon guys...

4. I want also to talk to student reps about...trips...tournaments...etc. so let them know about it.


Phil said...

Oh yea guys, we need to do a showreel! we've got this big screen arriving in Derby I want our stuff on it!!!!

BenTh3Bear said...