Monday, December 11, 2006


Ahhh this time of year comes round so soon! A time when all the computers for once are full and work is done. Or sometimes lost through the fickle data.

Right, hand in is at Britannia mill (1st Floor) school office, they will stamp your work to tell me its on time so all is fair and square.

The module codes for the units are:

Intro to 3D - 4CC042
Game studies - 4CC057

You need an assignment record form for the front, this sheet is in 2 parts, one of which you get to keep (and keep it safe).

If in doubt whether to include some things hand it in. I try not too mark down work for handing in too much.

Include paper copies where possible in case of data loss and have a copy of everything for yourself.

Plagerism is handing in someone else's work and claiming it as your own. Its very serious and students who do it have the book thrown at them. If in doubt see me, if you have quoted someone, fully reference it. We have software to combat this.

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